About Us
Sifu Ethan Caudy
Ethan has been exposed to the martial arts from an early age - studying Tai Chi, Karate, and military combat training under his father.
No single system seemed to satisfy Ethan's pursuit of self-mastery, despite dedication to training.
While attending University, Ethan met instructor John Siu at his studio nearby. He studied under Mr. Siu for 4 years, eventually assisting with instruction.
Wing Chun was the perfect fit: grounded in reality, with clear roots in natural philosophy. Ethan went on to teach privately for several years.
Image: Wing Chun Demonstration
Ferguson Center for the Performing Arts
September 13, 2014
Forest Wing Chun
In 2014 Ethan demonstrated Wing Chun at the Ferguson Center for the Performing Arts, at the request of Christopher Newport University's Director of Asian Studies.
Around June of 2017, Ethan decided to teach Wing Chun full-time. By October of the same year Forest Wing Chun was created, and group classes began at the East West Center.
In 2018 and 2019, Forest Wing Chun demonstrated together at the Lynchburg International Festival.
Today we continue to grow, will you join us?
Image: Before class
East West Center
July 8, 2018
Our Philosophy
Wing Chun originated in a culture where self-discipline, compassion, and an exalted character were life pursuits. These qualities venerated in ancient China are largely ignored today, leaving Wing Chun a physically effective but ultimately empty system. Many modern martial arts are victim to this transformation.
The struggles encountered in Wing Chun are intimately linked to the struggles of everyday life. What someone faces at work, school, or home shapes who they are as students of Kung Fu. Why shouldn't Kung Fu shape their everyday lives in return?
Using his education in Psychology alongside independent studies in philosophy, Ethan has worked to reunite the physical form of Wing Chun with its noble roots. Training toward physical, emotional, and mental temperance brings the true student of Kung Fu closer to the ultimate goal of Self-mastery: becoming a stronger, healthier, and better person overall.
Image: A moment of reflection
Sharp Top, Blue Ridge Mountains
November 23, 2017